Real and Creative Outcomes for Pupils’ Work

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Across Key Stage 3 pupils should have opportunities to engage in enquiries that produce a range of real and creative end products. This will enable pupils to appreciate the range of ways in which historians and people with an interest in history communicate their passion for the subject to a range of audiences. In planning for a rich mixture of creative end-products it is helpful to maintain a balance between oral, written and visual outcomes, although in practice many end products contain elements of each. When selecting an appropriate end product for a particular enquiry, it is important to ensure that the outcome will challenge pupils by requiring them to select, analyse, explain, argue or debate.
Oral Outcomes Written Outcomes Visual Outcomes

Audience, purpose and assessment
For each enquiry question a final piece of work will be completed. Students will be given a range of end-products to choose from which to choose in order to personalise their learning. The aim is for students to have the opportunity to produce at least one oral outcome, one written outcome and one visual outcome over a year.